Alessandro Bombardi


Alessandro Bombardi is the Principal Beamline Scientist for I16. He joined Diamond in 2004 and participated in the design, construction, and commissioning of I16. 

Beside is research activity in complex magnetic materials, Alessandro is a certified Feldenkrais practitioner, fascinated by theoretical and practical aspects of neuroplasticity.

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Tel: +44 (0) 1235 778226

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Current Research Interests

In the last years the core of my research was mostly on multiferroics; materials where two orderings coexist and interact. The most studied instance that could lead to functional application is the presence of magnetism and ferroelectricity.
The complex X-ray magnetic scattering cross section, together with the tunability to a specific chemical element, and the high reciprocal and direct space resolution have proved ideal to study such systems. Recently the focus of the scientific community has been on one side to identify new possible coupling mechanisms between the two order parameters, and on the other side to achieve a better understanding/control of the magnetic and magneto-electric domains in multiferroic systems, as the control of the domains is the key to achieve devices. I16 based research contributed to both aspects.
I regularly propose and carry out experiments on other beamlines at Diamond. I keep a lively neutron based research activity at ISIS, the ILL. 
Despite my research activity is not solely based on I16, I always pay attention to the possibilities offered by I16 to explore the particular scientific case I am interested in and also to the possible technical developments that a scientific case can bring to the beamline. An example is my recent activities on 4d based frustrated magnet where, beside the interest in the materials, a side effect is the extension of the energy range available on the beamline to energy previously not on offer.

I am an Italian physicist, born in Napoli, where I obtained my master degree. I won an Euratom grant to continue my study in France and after finishing my PhD on electronic localization in actinide based systems. 

I worked briefly as German co-responsible of the CRG IN22 based at the ILL in Grenoble. In September 2001 I moved to the ESRF as post-doctoral fellow on the former ID20 beamline dedicated to resonant x-ray magnetic scattering.

I have been working at Diamond since 2004 where I contributed to design, build, and commission the I16 material and magnetism beamline.

In 2008 my scientific career abroad was recognised with the prize “Napoletani eccellenti all’estero”. Since 2016, I am a visiting lecturer in the Oxford Physics Condensed Matter Department.

In 2020 I completed my training as Feldenkrais Practitioner and I regularly give classes and individual movement lessons.

I am constantly looking for novel opportunities to collaborate on research projects and during the years I enjoyed successful collaborations with:

many members of the Clarendon Laboratory- University of Oxford, where I am a visiting lecturer, to study complex materials using synchrotron light and train students.

Prof. S-W Cheong Director, Rutgers Center for Emergent Materials to investigate neutron and x-ray magnetic scattering in functional materials and frustrated magnets.

Prof. K Kamenev, Chair of Extreme Conditions Engineering at the University of Edinburgh and Associate director of the Center for Science at Extreme Conditions to develop RXS under pressure on I16.

Prof. H. Zur-Loye, research on 4d and 5d based 2H perovskites.

Prof. A. Vecchione, research on RP phase of ruthenates.

...and many other colleagues.

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