I15 Extreme Conditions User Meeting

Aug 19. till Aug 20.

I15 Extreme Conditions User Meeting

The Extreme Conditions beamline at Diamond, I15, will be hosting its User Meeting at Diamond Light Source, giving I15 users the chance to understand further the capabilities on the beamline from speakers as well as the chance to submit an abstract to present an oral or poster presentation during the event and the poster session.

19/08/20242024-08-19 - 20/08/20242024-08-20
Diamond Light Source, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus
Register Here

I15 Extreme Conditions Beamline

The Extreme Conditions beamline, I15, is dedicated to X-ray powder and single-crystal diffraction experiments at extreme pressures and temperatures. Research topics include fundamental Physics and Chemistry, Earth and Planetary Science as well as Materials Science and Engineering.

The beamline provides monochromatic high-energy X-rays from 20 to 80 keV. These X-rays focussed or collimated down to 10-70 µm can penetrate complex sample assemblies permitting detailed mapping of structural order or disorder, structure determination and chemical fingerprinting.

The I15 User Meeting 2024

The Extreme Conditions beamline will be hosting its User Meeting at Diamond Light Source on Monday 19th and Tuesday 20th of August 2024.

The event will:

  • Feature both invited and contributed speakers as well as a poster session.
  • Provide the Extreme Conditions user community with the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas.
  • Give an overview over current and near future capabilities on I15 and the opportunity to discuss user expectations and wishes.


Please see below, the provisional agenda for this event:


Monday 19th August 09:30 Registration and Refreshments
10:30 Welcome
10:35 Overivew and Outlook from DLS
10:45 Invited Speaker 1
11:15 Invited Speaker 2
11:45 Speaker 1 
12:15 Speaker 2
12:45 Break 
14:00 Invited Speaker 3
14:30 Invited Speaker 4
15:00 Speaker 3
15:20 Speaker 4
15:40 Refreshments and Poster Session
18:00 Conference Dinner
Tuesday 20th August 08:30 Refreshments  
09:00 I15 Beamline: Current and Near Future Capabilities 
09:30 2 Round Tables
11:30 Refreshments 
12:00 Summary from Round Tables
12:30 Lunch Break and Poster Session
14:00 End

Invited Speakers

Abstract Submission

The call for abstracts for the I15 Extreme Conditions User Meeting is now open, we are welcoming submissions for both oral and poster presentations. The application for abstract submission will close at 17:00(BST) on Sunday 16th June 2024. 


Steps-by-step abstract submission

  • Create your abstract 
  • Save the abstract as a pdf and with file name as: PresentingAuthorSurname_Firstname
  • Click on the link above to submit your abstract
  • Fill in the form and attach your abstact
  • You will receive an on-screen confirmation immediately after the successful submission of the abstract. An email will follow shortly after (to the email provided during submission) summarising the submission


Access to this event is upon registration only. Spaces are limited and available on a first-come first-served basis.


The registration to the event is free and includes access to a 1.5-day scientific programme, lunches, refreshments, and a conference dinner. Registration is open until 17:00(BST) on Thursday 14th July 2024. 

Attendees are required to arrange and cover the cost of their own accommodation and transport to and from Diamond Light Source.

Organising Committee

  • Annette Kleppe - Diamond Light Source
  • Egor Koemets - Diamond Light Source 
  • Dominique Laniel - University of Edinburgh 
  • Simon MacLeod - Atomic Weapons Establishment
  • Stefania Mazzorana - Diamond Light Source

Contact the Organiser

If you have any queries relating to this workshop, please contact the Diamond Events Team who will be able to help

Diamond Light Source

Diamond Light Source is the UK's national synchrotron science facility, located at the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus in Oxfordshire.

Copyright © 2022 Diamond Light Source


Diamond Light Source Ltd
Diamond House
Harwell Science & Innovation Campus
OX11 0DE

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Diamond Light Source® and the Diamond logo are registered trademarks of Diamond Light Source Ltd

Registered in England and Wales at Diamond House, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 0DE, United Kingdom. Company number: 4375679. VAT number: 287 461 957. Economic Operators Registration and Identification (EORI) number: GB287461957003.
