Diamond Light Source Photographic Exhibition

12 13 Beamline I12 was used to make 3D X-ray scans of the whole skull of “Little Foot”, a 3.6 million-year-old fossil hominid found in South Africa, along with more detailed scans of the teeth and jawbone. A red laser is used to line up the area of interest prior to making an X-ray scan. ​ (Image: Andrew Brookes) A Diamond-designed 3D printed vacuum vessel and sample environment of one of our 33 instruments available to the user community called VMXm . This state-of-the-art setup allows the smallest of protein microcrystals to be studied by X-ray diffraction.​ As part of a larger collaboration grant fromWellcome that has been awarded to The Rosalind Franklin Institute, with partners MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology (MRC LMB) and Diamond, Diamond is developing a brand new instrument called HeXi (a Hybrid electron – X-ray instrument). HeXi will be embedded in the VMXm beamline and will combine and build upon state-of-the-art technologies from electron and X-ray fields to create brand new scientific opportunities for structural biology and drug discovery. (Image: Andrew Brookes)