Diamond Concise Annual Review 2019/20

D I A M O N D L I G H T S O U R C E A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 1 9 / 2 0 D I A M O N D L I G H T S O U R C E A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 1 9 / 2 0 6 7 SAC: Advises Diamond Management on scientific and technical issues, including facilities and operation. DUC: Represents the views of users to Diamond Management on matters relating to the operation and strategy of the facility. DISCo: Advises Diamond Management on all matters relating to industry and industrial users of the facility, including opportunities to engage industry, best practice for industrial engagement and industrial research priorities. Peer Review Panels: Assess scientific merit of proposals to use the synchrotron and provide recommendations to Diamond Management on the allocation of beamtime to each project. Governance D iamond Light Source Ltd was established in 2002 as a joint venture limited company funded by the UK Government via the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), now under UK Research & Innovation (UKRI), and by the Wellcome Trust, owning 86% and 14% of the shares respectively. Diamond now employs almost 742 scientists, engineers, technicians and support staff from 43 countries worldwide. The Chief Executive and Directors are advised by committees representing key stakeholder groups, including the Science Advisory Committee (SAC), Diamond Industrial Science Committee (DISCo) and Diamond User Committee (DUC). Diamond is free at the point of access for researchers accessing Diamond via peer review, and provided the results are published in the public domain for everyone’s benefit. Allocation of beamtime is via a peer review process to select proposals on the basis of scientific merit and technical feasibility. Eight peer review panels meet twice a year to assess the proposals submitted for each six-month allocation period. Diamond also welcomes industrial researchers through a range of access modes including proprietary research. Executive Management Team: Hears from representatives from around Diamond and provides recommendations on strategy and operation to the Board of Directors. Board of Directors: Decides on matters relating to Diamond’s strategy and operation, and reports to Shareholders. STFC: Holds 86% of shares as a joint venture partner. Hears from the board and makes wider strategic decisions. The Wellcome Trust: Holds 14% of shares as a joint venture partner. Hears from the board and makes wider strategic decisions. Figures up to and including 2014/15 exclude VAT, thereafter figures include VAT. Outline Organisational Chart Science Division Science Groups: Biological Cryo-Imaging Crystallography Imaging and Microscopy Macromolecular Crystallography Magnetic Materials Soft Condensed Matter Spectroscopy Structures and Surfaces Scientific Software, Controls & Computation Groups: Accelerator Control Systems Beamline Control Systems Data Acquisition Scientific Computing Scientific Software Detector Group Experimental Hall Labs Services Optics & Metrology Planning & Projects Office User Office Technical Division Accelerator Physics Diagnostics Engineering Insertion Devices Installation & Facility Management Operations Power Supplies Radiofrequency Systems Vacuum Finance and Corporate Services Business IT Commercial Management, Governance & Legal Finance Human Resources Procurement Soft Facilities Chief Executive’s Office Communications Industrial Liaison Safety, Health & Environment Staffing and Financial Information Summary of Financial Data 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Operating Costs £m 30.5 33.5 36.5 39.9 42.5 44.5 54.6 56.9 62.8 64.5 65.7 Total Staff (Year End) 401 419 438 481 507 534 582 609 639 680 742 Capital Expenditure – Operations £m 5.7 8.6 5.1 8.0 7.5 6.2 8.0 10.5 12.8 17.4 17.8 Phase II £m 22.0 16.2 9.9 2.8 0.8 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Phase III £m 0.3 3.0 10.3 14.2 17.2 23.7 20.6 11.5 3.7 1.0 0.0 Other capital projects £m 4.8 5.6 7.3 4.3 5.3 1 Wellcome Trust Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) UKRI Report to Inform & Advise Advisory Bodies Management Shareholders Executive Management Team Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) Diamond User Committee (DUC) Diamond Industrial Science Committee (DISCo) Peer Review Panels Board of Directors