Diamond Light Source - Annual Review 2022/23

Our 2022 Year in Industry Cohort after completing their two-day Presentation Skills Workshop, held at Cosener’s House in Abingdon, March 2023. D I A M O N D L I G H T S O U R C E A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 2 2 / 2 3 94 95 D I A M O N D L I G H T S O U R C E A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 2 2 / 2 3 giving wider Diamond staff the opportunity to gain insight into their research, any challenges and results during their 12-month placement. Doing a year in industry at Diamond Light Source provides a life-changing opportunity for any undergraduate student, and amassive stepping stone onto the career ladder. This pairedwith an amazingly supportive student engagement team, and a strong community between the year in industry studentsmakes the 12months that you’ll spend here fly by! We were pleased to welcome 12 new Year in Industry students as part of the 2022 cohort intake in September and to have them in-person and on-site at Diamond. Since starting the 2022 cohort have been busy progressing their projects, completing various training including Scientific Communications, Peer Reviewing and Presentation Skills as well as getting involved with wider outreach activities. In June 2022, we welcomed our 12 Summer Placement students. As restrictions had been fully lifted, we were delighted to have the cohort working fully in-person and on-site at Diamond. The projects spanned life and physical sciences, engineering and software computing. After a summer of work experience, training and networking, the students presented their results to staff via a poster event in the Atrium and end of project presentations. Due to the lifting of COVID restrictions, Diamond was once again able to welcome undergraduate and postgraduate students in person to Diamond, where we offered a range of talks and training. We welcomed 452 students for this type of visit, which is comparable to pre-pandemic levels. Scientific workshops and conferences Diamond organises a broad portfolio of scientific and technical workshops, training courses and conferences tailored towards the needs of our staff and user communities. In 2022, we hosted 38 events and engaged with 2,890 scientists and engineers from all over the globe. In August 2022, Diamond hosted the 12 th International Conference on Inelastic X-ray Scattering (IXS2022). The conference was held at the SAID Business School in the city of Oxford. Taking place over five days, we welcomed international experimentalists and theorists interested in the use and development of both Resonant and Non-resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering to address a broad range of materials science challenges. In the autumn, we hosted the 6 th edition of our Early Career Scientists Symposium. This annual event featured talks from eminent speakers such as Nobel Prize winning biochemist Prof. Jennifer Doudna and theoretical physicist, author and broadcaster Prof. Jim Al-Khalili. The symposium was by far the most popular event of the last 12 months and brought together over 800 junior scientists looking for inspirations to shape their future careers. Amongst many workshops and user training opportunities, we moved into 2023 with events focused on boosting national and international collaborations. These included the annual Lightsources.org event, which focussed on the capabilities and career opportunities at 4 th generation light sources, and the CONEXS Conference, which highlighted x-ray spectroscopy to achieve new levels of understanding, especially for the interpretation of experimental data. With an eye on the future and the prospect of the Diamond-II upgrade on the horizon, we also ran a series of scientific workshops to directly engage with our academic and industrial user communities to explore how Diamond-II can best support research and innovation. CONEXS 2023