Diamond Light Source - Annual Review 2022/23

98 99 D I A M O N D L I G H T S O U R C E A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 2 2 / 2 3 D I A M O N D L I G H T S O U R C E A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 2 2 / 2 3 The Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) advises the CEO and the Science Directors on the scientific and technical questions impacting the specification, design, commissioning and operation of the facility; experimental and user support facilities, and opportunities for scientific exploitation. Dr TomHase (Chair) University of Warwick (UK) Dr Paul Adams Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA) Dr Elke Arenholz Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA) Prof Rohit Bhargava University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (USA) Dr Dina Carbone MAX IV (Sweden) Prof Kristina Djinović-Carugo EMBL Grenoble Prof Peter Dowding Infineum (DISCo Representative) Prof Chris Hardacre University of Manchester (UK) Prof Phil King University of St Andrew (UK) Prof Matt Rosseinsky University of Liverpool (UK) Prof Andrea Russell University of Southampton (UK) - (Chair of the DUC) Prof Christian Schroer DESY (Germany) Prof Stephen Skinner Imperial College London (UK) Prof Xiaodong Zhang Imperial College London (UK) Prof ElizabethWright University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA) Membership as of May 2023 The Diamond Industrial Science Committee (DISCo) advises the CEO and Directors on op- portunities for industry to be engaged in research at Diamond, industrial research priorities that will help shape operational strategy, including the best way to exploit the current suite of beamlines and to develop the case for investment in future beam- lines, and to develop best practice for industrial engagement. Dr Malcolm Skingle GlaxoSmithKline (Chair) Dr Andrew Barrow Rolls-Royce Dr Cheryl Doherty GlaxoSmithKline Dr Helen Blade AstraZeneca Dr Rob Cooke Sosei Heptares Prof. Peter Dowding Infineum Prof. Jonathan Hyde NNL Dr Olga Kazakova NPL Dr Ellen Norman RSSL Dr Pamela Williams Astex Pharmaceuticals CommitteeMembership The Diamond User Committee (DUC) has been set as a platform for discussion between Diamond and the user community of matters relating to the operation and strategy of Diamond. Dr Imad Ahmed University of Oxford Dr Arnaud Basle University of Newcastle Dr Gavin Bell University of Warwick Dr Jamie Blaza The University of York Dr David Briggs The Francis Crick Institute Dr Ann Chippindale University of Reading Dr Sean Connell CIC bioGUNE Dr Kevin Edmonds The University of Nottingham Dr Enrique Jimenez-Melero The University of Manchester Dr Tim Knowles University of Birmingham Dr Marcus Newton University of Southampton Dr Robin Perry University College London Prof Andrea Russell University of Southampton (Chair) Dr Neil Telling Keele University Dr Andrew Thomas The University of Manchester Dr Arwen Tyler University of Leeds