iNEXT-Discovery workshop in cryo-FIB, lamella preparation & cryo-ET

Apr 15. till Apr 19.

iNEXT-Discovery workshop in cryo-FIB, lamella preparation & cryo-ET

We are pleased to announce the iNEXT-Discovery workshop in cryo-FIB, lamella preparation & cryo-EM 2024, jointly organised with the iNEXT-Discovery access providing partners Diamond Light Source (UK), IGBMC/CBI (France), EMBL-Heidelberg (Germany) and CEITEC (Czeck Republic).

15/04/20242024-04-15T08:00:00 - 19/04/20242024-04-19T17:00:00
08:00 - 17:00
iNEXT partner sites (Diamond, IGBMC/CBI, EMBL HD, CEITEC)


In the framework of the iNEXT-Discovery infrastructure, the access providing partners IGBMC/CBI (Illkirch, France), EMBL-Heidelberg (Germany), CEITEC (Brno, Czeck Republic) and eBIC/Diamond (Oxford, UK) organise a 5-day hands-on workshop on cryo-FIB lamella preparation and cryo electron tomography. 

Organising format: Distributed workshop with practicals at iNEXT-Discovery partner sites in parallel sessions and shared morning lectures (on-site + visio presentations) followed by all the participants at each site. 

Aim: To provide hands-on training and discussion / experience feedback during practicals, lectures with general background and specific technical description on cellular sample preparation, FIB-milling and lamella preparation, cryo electron tomography data collection and initial quality assessment. 

The workshop is open to PhD students, young scientists and engineer/facility staff. The number of places being limited, the participants will be selected on the basis of their applications. It is expected that applicants have a background in imaging, electron microscopy and structural biology, ideally with some experience with FIB and/or electron tomography. Also, we expect applicants to have the possibility to apply their newly acquired knowledge at their home institution (i.e. they have access to the relevant instruments, or will be applying to go to one of the centres). The applications comprising these informations will be reviewed and validated as they arrive and candidates informed of the status of their applications. 

The workshop is free of charge and includes accommodation (from Sunday 14 to Friday 19, April), lunches and 2 dinners. 


Click here to see an outline schedule of the iNEXT-Discovery workshop in cryo-FIB, lamella preparation & cryo-EM. Note that all times are in Central European Time (CET). 

Speakers & Organisers 

Confirmed speakers: 

  • Bruno Klaholz (CBI/IGBMC, Illkirch, France) 
  • Simone Mattei (EMBL Heidelberg, Germany) 
  • Mikhail Eltsov (CBI/IGBMC, Illkirch, France) 
  • Jenia Zagoriy (EMBL Heidelberg, Germany) 
  • Jirka Novacek (CEITEC, Brno, Czech Republic) 
  • James Gilchrist (eBIC, Oxford, UK) 
  • Florian Fäßler (CBI/IGBMC, Illkirch, France) 
  • Zhengyi Yang (EMBL-Heidelberg, Germany) 
  • Tibor Fuzik (CEITEC, Brno, Czech Republic) 

Practical Instructors: 

  • Victor Hanss, Alexandre Durand, Nils Maréchal & Victor Hanss & Corinne Crucifix (CBI/IGBMC, Illkirch, France) 
  • Jana Moravcova & Pavel Krepelka (CEITEC, Brno, Czech Republic) 
  • Anna Steyer & Zhengyi Yang (EMBL Heidelberg, Germany) 
  • Parijat Majumder (eBIC), James Gilchrist (eBIC, Oxford, UK) & Dan Clare (eBIC) 

Organising committee: 

  • Bruno Klaholz (CBI/IGBMC) & Marie-Christine Poterszman (CBI/IGBMC) 
  • Simone Mattei (EMBL-HD) 
  • Jirka Novacek (CEITEC) 
  • Karen Davies (eBIC/DIAMOND) & Lorna Malone (eBIC/DIAMOND) 

Diamond Light Source

Diamond Light Source is the UK's national synchrotron science facility, located at the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus in Oxfordshire.

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